Intro to Thanksgiving Activities

Arts and Crafts & Sewing

Students of the Arts and Crafts class will continue to practice basic, back and blanket hand stitches and enhance their measuring and cutting skills. The purpose of this activity is to be sure that students feel comfortable with measuring and cutting their own pieces of fabric and enhancing their sewing skills. The students will apply what they have learned about basic, back and blanket hand stitching thus far in preparation for the Laurelton Community Quilt project. Students have also been introduced to general statistics about Southeastern Queens and will review the Southeastern Queens Demographic handout in a group and answer questions together.

Students will be introduced to various Thanksgiving activities of their choice to express what they are thankful for. Thanksgiving activities will include puzzles and coloring pages. Students will be able to express what they are thankful for in a creative way. Students will be able to show off their Arts and Crafts skills to their families for Thanksgiving.

It is my goal to encourage students to work together as a team and also continue to work hard on enhancing their sewing and arts and crafts skills. Overall, I am very pleased with the student’s dedication to completing these projects.

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